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Arduino CTC Go! - Core Module

Everything you need to create fun, engaging, and relevant STEAM lessons for high school students. Engage high school students in STEAM subjects,...
Gross Weight: 0kg
Company: Arduino
Part Number: AKX00015
Made in: Italy
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Everything you need to create fun, engaging, and relevant STEAM lessons for high school students.

Engage high school students in STEAM subjects, teach them how to use technology as a tool in a playful, hands-on learning environment, and how to apply that knowledge in the real world. A modular cross-curricular program, CTC GO! provides educators with an easy-to-use, practical approach to STEAM concepts through project-based learning and enables students to design, create, and test a series of playful, well-documented projects and easy-to-assemble experiments. Think of it just like brushes and paint - you’re giving your students what they need to create, learn, and thrive while the hands-on, collaborative approach teaches them important 21st-century skills. You’ll also get total teaching support with webinars, videos, and direct contact with an expert.

CTC GO! - Core Module is a getting started program including eight lessons, eight guided projects, and six self-guided projects that teach students how to use electronics and gives them an introduction to programming and coding. The lessons increase in difficulty from the very basics all the way through to learning different programming capabilities and building circuits for different sensors and actuators. During the six guided projects, students practice building structures and applying the knowledge acquired in the lessons. Once you have completed the lessons and projects, you will be ready, knowledgeable, and have the confidence to teach the six self-guided projects.


The CTC GO! kit, which includes all the materials you need to teach 24 students during 20 sessions of 45 minutes each:

  • 8 Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2 programmable boards: WiFi-enabled, with the ability to read inputs and control outputs
  •  8 Arduino Education shields: add-on boards tailored for educational purposes to enable quick and easy learning while building projects. These boards connect to the programmable boards to extend their functionality and have an SD card reader and an audio connector
  • Two different-sized breadboards for every board: Used to make circuits easier to build - Electronic components including resistors, LEDs, pushbuttons and buzzers 
  • Sensors including potentiometers, light and ultrasonic sensors
  • Eight 9V batteries with two battery connectors each - Jumper wires and USB cables
  • Modular building pieces for building eight different guided projects
  • Component boxes for each group of students with everything they need to work on the experimental lessons
  • Spare components and replacement parts to help with classroom management
  • Software platform for educators with all the materials you need for each lesson
  • Resources to help you with lesson preparation
  • Content tips
  • Timing suggestions for classroom management, and curriculum links
  • Software platform for pupils with step-by-step instructions, assembly videos, and fun activities to help them get started with programming
  • Electronics and building fully-functional
  • Interactive projects (educators also have prior access to this platform so they can prepare and adapt their lesson plans)
  • Training and support including a welcome training webinar with an Arduino Education expert
  • Training videos which explain each lesson’s concepts, shorter videos which expand on lesson content, and direct email support from an education expert 



Part Number:
Made in:


  • Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 
    • Microcontroller: ATMEGA4809 (datasheet)
    • Operating Voltage: 5V
    • Input Voltage (recommended): 7 - 12 V
    • Digital I/O Pins: 14 - 5 Provide PWM Output
    • PWM Digital I/O Pins: 5
    • Analog Input Pins: 6
    • DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
    • DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
    • Flash Memory: 48 KB (ATMEGA4809)
    • SRAM: 6,144 Bytes (ATMEGA4809)
    • EEPROM: 256 Bytes (ATMEGA4809)
    • Clock Speed: 16 MHz
    • Radio Modyle: u-blox NINA-W102 (datasheet)
    • Secure Element: ATECC608A (datasheet)
    • Inertial Measurement Unit: LSM6DS3TR (datasheet)
    • LED_BUILTIN: 25
    • PCB Size: 53.4 x 68.6 mm
    • Weight: 25 g



Meet the Arduino CTC GO!

Discover how CTC GO! can help you guide high school students from the basics of electricity and coding to advanced circuit building and programming with a set of playful, hands-on experiments.